Estimate your savings with our Solar Calculator!
City of Visalia is excited to welcome EnergySage to our local community. EnergySage provides a simple way to go solar. The EnergySage Marketplace gets you quotes online from multiple, pre-screened local installers and helps you compare offers in an apples-to-apples way so you get the best deal. Renewable energy is one way to conserve resources, and the City supports efforts to conserve and manage natural resources for the benefit of Visalia’s citizens.
About City of VisaliaSee your customized solar savings potential
Installers compete for your business
Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!
It's never been easier to shop for solar systems with confidence. Get quotes from multiple pre-screened installers. The EnergySage Marketplace makes comparison shopping for solar simple and transparent, so you can understand the true costs and benefits of each quote across all of your financing options. Don’t shop without it!
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the typical U.S. family spends at least $2,000 a year on home utility bills. Unfortunately, a lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems. Energy efficiency retrofits, such as duct sealing, new windows, and lighting controls offer an opportunity to save money while conserving energy. Consider easy energy efficiency improvements as a way to reduce demand in conjunction with installing a new solar energy system.
Is your house energy efficient? See the Power Smart ChecklistWater conservation is critical to help assure Visalia has adequate supplies in the future. All of the City’s water comes from wells pumping groundwater. Water levels continue to decline. If we do not conserve and protect our most precious and limited resource, water will rapidly become scarce and expensive.
Learn about City of Visalia’s natural resources conservation effortsBetsy’s solar panels meet up to 99% of her electric needs!
Going solar has a wide range of benefits and that's great news! Whether economic, environmental, personal, or political, all of these benefits are fueling the United States’ solar power boom.
Solar is a great way to reduce cost and increase profits. Businesses can significantly reduce or completely eliminate their electric bill. Companies are finding that “green” credentials are a powerful driver of consumer purchasing decisions, creating goodwill & improved business results.
Estimate your savings with our Solar Calculator!